5 genius ways to vet your next big idea

Reading Time: 2 minutes
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Ever wondered if you’re sitting on a Million-Dollar Idea?

Before you go all in, let’s make sure it’s worth your time.

In this issue, I’m breaking down five proven methods to validate your idea and ensure it’s the real deal.

First things first, you need to find your Million-Dollar Idea.

Let’s say you’ve got an idea. 💡

Maybe it’s been keeping you up at night.

Maybe you think it could change the world (or at least make you a tidy profit).

But here’s the hard truth:

Most business ideas fail within the first year.

Why? Because they’re usually ideas WE like, not what the market needs.

So how do you validate your million-dollar idea?

Here’s your ultimate guide:

1. The problem-solution fit test

Before you do anything else, answer these questions:

  • What problem does your idea solve?

  • Who exactly has this problem?

  • How badly do they need a solution?

If you can’t answer these clearly, it’s time to go back to the drawing board.

2.The “Mom Test” technique

Named after the book by Rob Fitzpatrick, this technique helps you get honest feedback.

The key is not to pitch your idea. Instead, ask about their lives, problems, and current solutions.

Here are a few sample questions:

  1. “What’s the hardest part about [problem area]?”

  2. “How are you dealing with that now?”

  3. “What don’t you love about the current solutions?”

3. The Landing Page Experiment

Create a simple landing page for your idea. Include:

  • A clear value proposition

  • Key features/benefits

  • A “Buy Now” or “Sign Up” button

Drive some traffic to it (through ads or social media).


  • Click-through rates

  • Time spent on page

  • “Buy Now” button clicks

This gives you real data on market interest.

Here is a helpful article on how to create a landing page.

4. The Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Create the simplest version of your product that delivers core value.

This could be:

  • A low or no-code prototype

  • A service delivered manually

  • A “Wizard of Oz” setup (where you manually do what will eventually be automated)

Get it into users’ hands ASAP. Their feedback is gold.

5. The Competitor Gap Hack

Identify your top 3-5 competitors. Analyze:

  • Their offerings

  • Pricing strategies

  • Customer reviews (especially negative ones)

Look for gaps you can fill or problems you can solve better.

Now, I have a challenge for you. 💪

Your Next Steps:

1. Choose one validation technique from above

2. Implement it this week

3. Analyze the results objectively

4. Decide: Move forward, pivot, or try a new idea?

To make things easier, use my Idea Validation Checklist here:

Look, the goal isn’t to prove your idea is good. It’s to find out if it is.

Be ruthless.

Be objective.

Be willing to pivot or abandon your idea if the data.

The market is waiting.

Until next week,

Noemi 👋


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