5 Ways to Make Time for Your Side Hustle

Reading Time: 2 minutes
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Running a side hustle alongside a full-time job isn’t easy.

I know because I’ve been there. Most people struggle to give their side gig the attention it needs. But you’re not most people. You’re here to make it work.

🔥 Don’t miss my special Free offer at the bottom of this email.

So here’s what you need to do:

  1. The “Power Hour” technique

    • No phone, no email, no distractions

    • Use a timer and treat this hour like a high-stakes race

    • Dedicate one uninterrupted hour daily to your most crucial task

  2. The “Three Post-It” method

    • Each night, write your top 3 side hustle tasks on separate post-its

    • Stick them where you’ll see them first thing in the morning

    • Don’t start your day job until you’ve tackled at least one

  3. The “Skill Swap” strategy

    • Identify a skill you need for your side hustle

    • Find someone who needs a skill you have

    • Set up a weekly skill exchange session

  4. The “Micro-Progress” tracker

    • Break your main goal into 100 tiny steps

    • Create a visual tracker (like a 10×10 grid)

    • Color in one square for each step completed

  5. The “Accountability Mirror” technique

    • Write your side hustle goal on your bathroom mirror

    • Each morning, say it out loud and commit to one action

    • Each night, write down what you did to move closer to it

Here’s your game plan for the week to put this into action:

  1. Set up your “Power Hour” – choose a time and prep your workspace

  2. Create your first set of three post-its for tomorrow

  3. Reach out to one person for a potential skill swap

  4. Design your “Micro-Progress” tracker for your main side hustle goal

  5. Write your goal on your mirror and start your daily check-ins

You won’t do this overnight. But you’ll do something more powerful.

You’ll build consistency.

You’ll create habits.

You’ll transform your side hustle from a “maybe someday” dream into a “happening right now” reality.

Remember, every successful business started as someone’s micro project.

Someone who decided to prioritize their dream, even when it wasn’t easy.

Someone who chose to put in the work, day after day. That someone can be you.

✔️ Set up that Power Hour.

✔️ Stick those Post-Its.

✔️ Draw that progress grid.

Your future self is counting on you.

Your dreams are waiting. It’s time to turn that side hustle into your main event.

Until next time,


🔥 P.S. I’m offering 5 FREE one-on-one coaching sessions. I’ll help you optimize your lead gen, offer or sales strategy to reach a goal we set. I’ll then feature you and your business as a success story testimonial on my LinkedIn with 65,000+ followers and millions of views each month.

Here’s how to apply:

Reply to this email with:

  • Why you’d like to be considered

  • Details about your business

  • Your LinkedIn URL


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