How to Achieve Flow State

Reading Time: 3 minutes

You may have experienced a flow state at some point — that sense of fluidity between your body and mind, where you are totally absorbed by and deeply focused on something, beyond the point of distraction.

Time feels like it has slowed down.

Your senses are heightened.

You are at one with the task at hand, as action and awareness sync to create an effortless momentum.

Some people describe this feeling as being “in the zone.”

What Flow feels Like:

Focused attention: You’re deeply engaged in the task, with heightened awareness of every action.

Intense yet relaxed: You experience a unique blend of intensity and calmness.

Loss of self: You lose track of your sense of self, yet feel incredibly present in the moment.

The problem is most people don’t know how to enter a flow state, missing out on its incredible benefits.

The Science

When we enter the flow state, remarkable changes occur in the brain. Our prefrontal cortex, responsible for self-awareness and judgment, quiets down, allowing other brain regions to synchronize and work harmoniously.

Neurochemicals like dopamine and endorphins flood our system, enhancing our motivation, creativity, and wellbeing. (Source: Calm)

Check out the TED Talk on the Flow State by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.

“There’s this focus that, once it becomes intense, leads to a sense of ecstasy, a sense of clarity: you know exactly what you want to do from one moment to the other...” 

Csikszentmihalyi and Nakamura reached this conclusion by interviewing a variety of self-actualized, high-performing people: including mountain climbers, chess players, surgeons, and ballet dancers.

Here are the 10 incredible benefits:

1. Laser-focused concentration

It’s all-consuming, targeted on the task at hand.

2. Challenge meets skill

Too easy, you’re bored. Too hard, you’re overwhelmed. The sweet spot lies in balancing challenge with your skills.

3. Intrinsic motivation

It’s driven by pure enjoyment of the activity. Not about rewards or recognition, just the joy of doing.

4. Crystal-clear goals

Knowing exactly what you’re aiming for. Provides direction and purpose.

5. Immediate feedback

Instantly knowing how well you’re doing. Allows you to adjust and stay on track.

6. Sense of control

Not about predictability. It’s about confidence in managing the task and challenges.

7. Loss of self-consciousness

Intense focus erases self-doubt and inhibitions. You’re completely absorbed in the task.

8. Altered perception of time

Time flies or stretches out. You lose track of it entirely.

9. Harmony and connection

A deep sense of peace with what you’re doing. You and the task sync perfectly.

10. Forget physical needs

You might skip meals or ignore thirst. Completely absorbed, physical needs fade into the background.

Requirements to get into flow

Care about the task: Engagement is crucial.

Optimal level of challenge: The task should be challenging but not overwhelming.

Skill level: The sweet spot is a challenging task that you are good at.

Journey not destination: Focus on the process, not just the end goal.

5 steps to help you enter a flow state:

  1. Engage in an activity you’re passionate about.

  2. Establish a pre-task routine to signal your brain it’s time to focus.

  3. Multitasking stops flow. Dedicate yourself to a single important task.

  4. Identify your peak times: Work during your most productive times.

  5. Create a peaceful environment and minimize interruptions.

How meditation helps us get into Flow

Meditation and mindfulness enhance your ability to enter a flow state. 

By training your mind to be present and focused, you create the mental conditions necessary for flow.

By being in meditation, we are encouraging our minds to become more present, actively creating conditions that help us observe when we get distracted, what gets us distracted, and then return to the object of focus.

Some of my favorite meditation apps:

Headspace, Insight Timer and Calm.

Remember, flow state is when you’re so into a task that everything else fades away, boosting your focus, clarity, and happiness.

To get there, do what you love, make sure it’s challenging but doable, and stay in the moment.

Meditation and mindfulness can help you get in the zone more easily.

Hope this helps,

Till next week,

Noemi ✨

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Today’s book recommendation

The Rise of Superman: Decoding the Science of Ultimate Human Performance” by Steven Kotler.

This book explores the science of flow and how it can enhance your performance in various aspects of life.

Credits: (Calm)


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