Grow an audience, brand and business on LinkedIn.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

If you are a founder, executive, or freelancer growing a personal brand is vital.

In this edition, I’ll talk about why you should grow a personal brand on LinkedIn and the exact steps to take to get started.

The first reason: Your audience is where the value lies long term.

An (engaged) audience is vital because we trust the people we follow, more than corporations.

This is why advertising models are shifting to selling through influencers into micro-niches.

The second reason: As an entrepreneur, I value a distribution channel more than a great product.

Why? A great product without a distribution channel will fail, while a mediocre product with an existing distribution channel will have sales from day 1.

Where should I build first?

I chose LinkedIn because:

  • It’s easy to grow on LinkedIn right now.

  • It has a high number of B2B quality prospects.

  • It’s repositioning itself as a social media platform.

How to start:

Pick a topic you enjoy talking about and have knowledge or experience in.

Some topics on LinkedIn that do really well are:

  • Health

  • Wealth

  • Leadership

  • Productivity

  • Career growth

  • Entrepreneurship

Learn to create content:

  • Write 3-5 posts per week

  • Write clearly and concisely

  • Format your post with white space

  • Solve one problem for your audience

  • Have a strong hook to stop people from scrolling

If you are growing an audience, remember that you need them to follow you.

Content is your traffic to take them to your profile page where: They can follow you, and buy from you.

This is why updating your profile is so crucial BEFORE starting to post any content. Otherwise, you will have a “leaky bucket.”


  1. Update your profile

  2. Choose a niche

  3. Post consistently

  4. Grow your audience

  5. Test and launch offers (monetize)

Hope this helps!

Till next week,

Noemi ✨

P.S. I’ll be launching a free e-course on this topic in the next few weeks. I’ll send it out to all of you, my subscribers first.

P.P.S. Here is this week’s book recommendation:

Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World by Gary Vaynerchuk.


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