5 steps to hiring your first Virtual Assistant as a solopreneur.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Today I’m going to show you how to hire your first VA.

By following my 5 steps, in less than a week, you’ll have complete clarity on the role and their tasks.

By hiring you first VA, you will be able to scale your efforts, offload work that you are not good at, and accomplish more, with much less time.

Don’t let this be you.

(Many first time entrepreneurs fail to get clarity on the job description and tasks that should be delegated.

They end up spending too much time training the wrong person, on the wrong tasks and give them unclear expectations.

Eventually they get burned out, give up, and go back to doing everything themselves. (and stay stuck))

This is your step by step blueprint.

Let’s dive in.

Step 1: Create your Org Chart.

Your business, no matter how small has an org chart. Add your name next to each role that you currently fill.

  • CEO (______)

  • Operations (COO) (______)

  • Accountant (______)

  • Client success ( ______)

  • Project Manager (______)

  • Admin (______)

  • HR (______)

  • Etc…

Day 2: Write down all activities that you do in your business.

Now take a week to record all the activities you do in your business. Calculate the amount of hours it takes.


  • Calling clients for billing (2 hrs)

  • Networking for new business (5 hrs)

  • Marketing to existing clients (10 hrs)

  • Pitching prospects (2 hrs)

  • Manage client projects (15 hrs)

  • Invoices/billing (2 hrs)

  • etc…

Step 3: Rate each one if it’s a core activity to your business.

For example:

  • If you offer consulting, talking to clients and managing projects are core activities.

  • Non-core activities such as marketing or billing are not unique to what you do.

Step 4: Collect the list of tasks that you are going to delegate to your VA.

Now you know the hours and tasks you need to outsource.

Tasks that are:

  • Time consuming

  • Non-Core activities to your business

  • Low level of enjoyment

Step 5: And now let’s create this JOB DESCRIPTION:

Add this prompt to ChatGPT (or write it up yourself):

“Craft a job description based on these specific tasks:

[List of tasks from step 4]

Include in your response the ideal candidate profile, a suitable job title, and detail the necessary experience for this role.”


  1. Create your ORG chart.

  2. Summarize everything you do in a week.

  3. Identify Core Activities.

  4. Summarize tasks you’ll delegate

  5. Create your job description.

Solo founders who hire a VA as soon as they can afford one, enjoy their work more, grow faster, make more money, and have more work life balance.

Till next week,


P.S. I have 2 book (or audiobook) recommendations this week related to creating systems in new businesses.

  1. This book is a lifesaver for businesses that are run by professionals. Accountants, restaurants, hair salons, architects, attorneys.

The E-Myth by Michael Gerber. Amazon link

  1. If you are starting a business that has software, the Lean Startup is the way to go. In fact, do not start a software business without reading this book.

The Lean Startup by Eric Ries. Amazon Link


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