How to Create 90-day Sprints to Achieve Big Goals

Reading Time: 3 minutes
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Hi there!

Let’s be honest:

Year-long goals usually get forgotten.

I used to be that person – setting these big, ambitious 12-months goals,

Then wondering why I barely made any progress halfway through the year.

The reason was simple:

I was overwhelming my brain.

And that’s exactly what most people do.

They don’t say “I’m going to lose 1 kg every month”

They say “I’m going to lose 15 kgs this year”

That huge goal feels exciting at first, but eventually, it just becomes this massive, distant target that’s hard to stay motivated for.

I realized I needed to do something different if I wanted to stop falling behind.

So, I made a change.

Instead of thinking in terms of the whole year, I broke everything down into 3-month sprints.

And that’s when everything changed.

  • I built a 7 figure business.

  • Became a regular at the gym.

  • And also started a second business.

Today, I want to the exact system I used to do all this.

Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Break the Big Goal into Quarterly Sprints

A 12-month goal feels massive.

But when you break it into 3-month chunks, it feels more manageable.

Let’s say you have a goal to generate $100K in new revenue this year.

Instead of staring at that big number for months, divide it into quarterly sprints:

  • Quarter 1: Generate $25K in new revenue.

  • Quarter 2: Refine your process, generate another $25K.

  • Quarter 3: Automate or scale, generate $30K.

  • Quarter 4: Optimize and finish strong with $20K more.

Now, instead of a huge goal, you’re focusing on clear, smaller targets.

That’s a $25K sprint, which is WAY easier to wrap your head around.

Action Step: Take your top goal for the year and break it down into 3-month chunks. Focus only on your first sprint for now. Companies use quarterly goals for this exact reason.

Step 2: Set Clear, Measurable Milestones

Once you have your 3-month sprint defined, get specific about how you’re going to measure success.

For example, if your goal is to grow your email list by 10,000 subscribers in 3 months, you need to break it down even further:

  • Month 1: 3,000 new subscribers

  • Month 2: 3,500 new subscribers

  • Month 3: 3,500 new subscribers

These are clear, trackable milestones that let you know if you’re on target or if you need to adjust your strategy.

Action Step: Define monthly milestones for your sprint. Make them specific and measurable, so you know exactly what success looks like each month.

Step 3: Plan Weekly Actions That Drive Results

Every week, I create a simple plan with 3-5 key tasks that move the needle. I prioritize actions that directly impact my quarterly goal.

For example, if my goal is to add 3,000 new email subscribers this month, my weekly plan might look like this:

  • Week 1: Launch a new lead magnet and promote it on social channels.

  • Week 2: Run a small Facebook ad campaign to test conversions.

  • Week 3: Collaborate with a partner for a webinar or guest post.

  • Week 4: Evaluate ad performance and double down on what works.

This weekly action plan keeps me focused on what matters.

Action Step: Plan your next week. Write down the 3-5 tasks that will have the biggest impact on your goal. Make sure they’re aligned with your monthly milestone.

Step 4: Evaluate, Adjust, Reflect

At the end of each 3-month sprint, I take time to review what worked, what didn’t, and what needs tweaking.

Ask yourself:

  • Did I hit my goal?

  • What strategies were most effective?

  • What held me back or slowed me down?

This reflection helps me adjust for the next sprint. Maybe I’ll double down on a winning strategy or completely overhaul something that flopped.

Once the review is done, I shift focus to the next sprint. It’s a fresh start, but I carry forward all the lessons from the previous quarter.

Action Step: At the end of your sprint, schedule a 1-hour review session. Reflect on your progress, celebrate wins, and identify areas for improvement before starting your next sprint.

To make this even easier, I’ve put together a 3-Month Sprint Planner that helps you map out your goals, milestones, and weekly actions. It’s the exact template I use to keep my sprints on track.

Download it here for free and start planning your first sprint today.

Most people overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in 3 focused months.

If you’ve been struggling with big goals, try switching to the 3-month sprint system.

Your future self will thank you!

PS: Need help staying accountable on your 3-Month Sprint? You can join my FREE WhatsApp community for support here.


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